Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stuff....Just Stuff

It's been an interesting few weeks.

I turned thirty-two this month. That's right, the big 32. It did not strike me as one of those milestone birthdays. There was little reflection on my part. I did want to be married by thirty-two, perhaps even have my first child by that age. However, I've learned to set aside "plans" and to enjoy life as one, long improvisation.

Chris sent me flowers. A beautiful bouquet of roses accompanied by a simple note: Love, Chris.

Talks with Chris have started and then stalled; started and stalled. We have made plans to get together but he's cancelled both times. I find this confusing because on both occasions Chris initiated the dates. I eagerly accepted and then he cancelled. His reasons for both cancellations seemed sincere but based on previous behavior I always wonder if it's some passive-aggressive, Fuck You, Piper!

He's complicated. Although, when I mentioned this to him he said, "No, you've complicated me."

After much consideration, I'd dearly like to salvage my relationship with Chris. I do love him but it's more than that. I feel a close to him. A closeness that I have experienced with no other person aside from Steve.

To be brutally honest, I confess that my desire to salvage the relationship also has a less attractive side. Partly guilt and partly security. I feel like some part of me wanted Chris around until Steve committed to marriage. It wasn't a conscious plan but upon reflection I used him as a safety net.

More unflattering, and I'm ashamed to admit this, I enjoyed his desire to have me. It's not pretty but at least it's the truth.

Which is why I'll never get involved in another romantic relationship again. Steve and I have discussed "swinging" after marriage a number of times and I'm mulling over ground rules. No matter how that turns out, I just can't be emotionally entangled with two men. That's even if both acquiesce.

To end on a high note: My birthday was terrific. Steve took me to dinner and we also went ice skating. I haven't been ice skating in some time. Skating was always a passion of mine. I figure skated for years. I was always good enough to compete but never good enough to win. My best finish was third place when I was seventeen. Ever notice that the difference between first place and second place is minuscule while the distance between second and third is painfully insurmountable?

I do consider myself lucky. Unlike many, I never grew to resent the passion I could not master.


Sexy Duet said...

Happy birthday Piper! I turned 32 this year too and my thoughts were of marriage and babies - must be the age for it, or the fact that we are both engaged lol.

I have been wondering where things were at with Chris, it was nice of him to send flowers and perhaps his reasons for cancelling were genuine.


saratoga said...


Happy Birthday! You are soooo lucky! I didn't get to skate at all this winter. Never cold enough long enough for the ponds to freeze.


Erotic Union said...

Happy B-day! the 30's are great years. My wife is 33 and she loves them.. I still remember some of them haha. Have a great B-day month. We still love you:)

Anonymous said...

man the thirties are great... i'm 36 and i'll tell you it just gets better...

you know perhaps the answer is like what sharedcindy does which is to swing as couples. they have another couple they love deeply and who love them deeply but the primaries are just that...

dunno, interesting to think about though

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Piper!! :)