Instead, it was Kit's idea, of all people, to close the circle of people involved in our extra-curricular activities. Essentially, to have an exclusive club, invitation only. An invitation would only be extended after an interview. Not a formal interview, of course. It's not like there's a membership committee. Just an invite to a cocktail party where everyone could meet, talk and get comfortable with a potential member.
This decision was the result of some recent bad experiences. It's not much different than what we've done in the past.
Steve and I thought it was a good idea. It won't effect me too much as Steve and I haven't really engaged in the group thing in quite a while. They want to meet once a month. I thought this was rather ambitious. Scheduling conflicts and, frankly, just not "being in the mood" will make it more like once every two or three months. At least for me.
Mr. Paine has this concept defined in his lexicon:
Intimate Network:A circle of friends who play together. Sexualizing friendships brings with it real risks, which is why swingers often prefer to play with strangers.
Those risks are real and, on occasion, have been realized. Issues have arisen and ultimately they have, for the most part, been ironed out.
We'll see how long this lasts.
Just wondering if anyone else out there has tried this approach and what their take on it is.
I mean, we don't have to have membership cards do we? Or sponsor a sports team?
We have never played with friends but we have become friends with some of the people we play with.
I dont think I ever would play with long-time friends of ours, too much risk of ruining the friendship for me.
This is actually something that has crossed my mind as a double-edged sword, but still I find the concept intriguing. I haven't had the opportunity to discover a group of friends that is that comfy with the idea to try it, and I wonder if the friendships last beyond the sex. But it sounds very very intriguing with every firing synapse.
We have almost only played with friends. And since most of the playing has been them with my wife, its seems to be OK. I guess I am exceptionally tolerant. And patient for reciprical sharing. But I do think its really the best kinda gig if you can make it happen.
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